gratitude is the best attitude

Orange, Red, Green Leaves Gratitude Definition Quote Facebook Post.jpg

In preparation for this upcoming Thanksgiving weekend, I am feeling all of the feels of gratitude for so many things. The truth is, the past 1.5 years have not been easy on any of us. There have been so many highs and lows and feelings of all kinds about what has been happening around the globe.

Thinking back to this time last year, I was in such a different place. I was trying to enjoy my last month of (a very weird and emotional) maternity leave, and getting ready to return to work (remotely) after the entire world (and my role) had changed drastically.

Thanksgiving weekend has always been one of my favourites of the year, and last year we weren’t able to celebrate in the way we were used to. Things were getting really scary again and with the Christmas holidays nearing closer, I couldn’t help but be so anxious and upset about what would happen there.

This year feels different. I feel like I’ve experienced so much change and growth in the last year both personally and professionally. Otis is turning two next month (what! how!?😭) and I started my new role at Bloom in June and am really loving it and the change that came with such a new role.

The biggest reason I love this time of year is I love any excuse to show gratitude to those I love. And, although I feel I do a pretty good job at this throughout the year, this feeling in the air just really turns me into a suck (even more so than normal)

Here are some ways that I like to show gratitude around this time of year + in my everyday life:

  • Send texts + voice notes to people I love to check in and say I miss them

  • Remember important dates, birthdays, anniversaries, new jobs, milestones

  • Comment, share + amplify their posts on social (if this is something they’d appreciate)

  • Make plans with people (even if it’s a few months out)

  • Buy thoughtful, special curated gifts to make people feel loved

  • Always say I love you + care about you any chance I get

  • Thank the people I work with for providing an awesome, safe space to work in

  • Thank people for hosting us, being there for us + loving us

  • Be in the moment and savour our time together

  • Write things down - in a card, a letter, something special to keep

I have so much to be thankful for. Every day I look at Otis and just gush at how perfect he is. The same goes for Pete, my family, and my friends. We have a beautiful home that we love so much, I’ve got a job I love and am proud of and a life filled with so much love and joy.

During a time where it has been so challenging to focus on the good, I am trying to do it more than ever.

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