every day is earth day

h a p p y e a r t h d a y

Today is earth day! I felt kinda emotional writing this blog post because more than ever I appreciate our planet and the things we (normally) can do on it. Although I am thankful that weโ€™ve still been able to do a few things here and there, I am really missing the ability to travel and share these things with groups of people (that we love)

Here are some great links + resources to share in honour of earth day:

๐ŸŒฑ Join the #EarthDay movement by heading over to earthday.org
๐ŸŒณ Find your zen today but listening to tree, sounds of trees from around the world!
๐ŸŒŽ A beginners guide to life more sustainably by Tiana Jade
โœˆ๏ธ How To Travel More Sustainably, something to remember for when its safe to travel
๐Ÿก Here are some ways to celebrate Earth Day from home
๐Ÿณ Get ready to cry at how incredible this video is of whales up close & personal
๐ŸŒŽ Here are 8 meaningful things you can do for the climate today

Iโ€™ve been especially focused on reducing my carbon footprint in the last few years, and although I know we have a long way to go, am always finding little ways we can improve and make an impact. To me, the biggest thing to note is that we donโ€™t have to make an unrealistic commitment that doesnโ€™t feel realistic. It is about making little changes in our lives that will make a positive impact on our communities and the world.

A few books I have read and loved are Clean Green & Grow Green and I am also looking forward to picking up a copy of Imagine It - a handbook for a happier planet

๐ŸŒŽ Some things you can do today + every day for our planet:๐ŸŒŽ

  • Support eco-friendly brands and businesses

  • Buy vintage or pre-loved items

  • Be intentional about where you travel in the future and with who

  • Learn ways to save on energy, water & electricity at home

  • Educate yourself on garbage, recycling, composting etc.

  • Use reusable bags, coffee cups, water bottles and containers

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables from local places

  • Grow herbs, flowers, fruits & veggies if you can

  • Use green eco-friendly cleaning products around your home

  • Donate gently used items who people who may be in need

So thankful for all of the beauty we get to experience in Canada and around the world, and cannot wait for the day that we can truly explore and experience in a way weโ€™ve been dreaming of.


Jules WhishComment