why now is the *perfect* time to get your hygge on

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I am writing this on a gloomy Monday evening. It’s been raining non-stop for the past two days, and the memory of the beautiful day we had this past Saturday feels forever ago now.

Ontario is officially in the third wave of the pandemic and a stay home order is in effect. We’ve been staying home for months and months and although this doesn’t change what we do, it just feels different. Watching the news every day has been extremely heavy. The pandemic is taking a toll on all of us, and we’re all hitting a wall. I know I most definitely am.

It’s tough to find time and energy to do the things we love and want to do. We make ourselves feel guilty for not being productive, when in reality we need to stop putting pressure on ourselves. The pandemic is physically and emotionally draining, and it’s no surprise that after over a year we’re just downright tired. Not to mention that many folks are working from home, caring for their children, have lost their jobs, are doing remote learning and missing their loved ones and favourite people.

If you’ve been reading my blog or following me for a while then you definitely remember me talking about hygge. “Hygge is about an atmosphere and an experience, rather than about things. It is about being with the people we love. A feeling of home. A feeling that we are safe, that we are shielded from the world and allow ourselves to let our guard down. You may be having an endless conversation about the small or big things in life - or just be comfortable in each other's silent company - or simply just be by yourself enjoying a cup of tea."

A lot of us are still living in parts of the world where staying home is necessary. I know we’re all having trouble finding ways to stay optimistic and positive right now. The doom and gloom of the news and what is happening right now is hard to wrap your head around. We need to be reminded of the good. We need to remember the small, simple joys in our lives that lift us up. Now more than ever, the little things in life will go such a long way.

I thought a lot about hygge today as the rain came pouring down and we were staying cozy inside. Otis reminds me every day that we are so lucky. He woke up a bit earlier this morning and I went in to give him a bottle, he then fell asleep on me for an hour and a half. After he finished his bottle he just looked at me with the biggest smile, and I smiled back and he just kept smiling at me and I just laughed and cried all at once. I put a warm blanket over us and we slept together until 7:30, I thought this is truly perfection. This is home, this is hygge, this is pure joy. He makes every day better and it is moments like these that remind me to be grateful, even during a global pandemic.

Hygge reminds us about the simple joys in life and that they play such a huge part in our overall happiness. So, it may not be easy but all we can do is try. Try to see the good, try to make a difference, try to look for the positive moments in each day.

To get you started…


  1. Atmosphere

  2. Prescence

  3. Pleasure

  4. Equality

  5. Gratitude

  6. Harmony

  7. Comfort

  8. Truce

  9. Togetherness

  10. Shelter

If you want to start living a life filled with hygge, I definitely recommend starting with a copy of Meik Wiking’s book “The Little Book Of Hygge” // one of my favourite books ever, and definitely one I want to re-read very soon!

Happy hygge-ing,


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